Central Michigan University

Undergraduate University

Central Michigan University

Dylan chose Central Michigan University for undergraduate research opportunities after meeting with Dr. Kumar Yelamarthi.

Dylan is currently a third-year student double majoring in Computer Engineering and Computer Science.

Read about the two majors by clicking the links below.

Waterford Institute of Technology (Study Abroad)

Studied Electronic Engineering at Waterford Institute of Technology during the Spring 2019 semester.


Cyber Security Club

As President of the Cyber Security Club, Dylan

  1. Organized effective meetings
  2. Created a digital presence on Twitter and Facebook
  3. Created the club graphics
  4. Developed security labs
  5. Wrote documentation

IEEE Student Chapter

Participated in labs, discussions, and employer visits.

Central Finance Club

Gained knowledge in corporate finance and the financial markets.

Used the Bloomberg Terminal to analyze endowment fund positions.

Pitched trade ideas for the $200,000 managed fund.